So whats new?
So much. We hope you will like the easy navigation, improved way of ordering and changing sizes and quantities, trade and student / school discounts and of course the new look!
We have worked hard with our web designers to create an online experience which will help you shop more easily, get discounts for being a loyal customer and find useful information, tips and resources from our staff and customers!
We have launched our expert advice section, to couple with our Youtube channel and printable guides for firing programs and such like. These will be added by our staff who are glass workers, to give you hints and tips and important notes. There will be useful snippets of information to help you solve problems and make your craft projects easier. How to use tools, what to do with kilns etc. We will be adding more and more of these as we go. Let us know if you would like any specific user guides added!
You can now get discounts online! Thats right, our trade customers, schools and students will be able to order online, by phone and in store and recieve their loyalty discounts. These are based on annual spend, to reward our customers for shopping with us!
If you haven't already, join our Facebook page, if you Like us, you will get the latest special offer discount codes which will be released only on Facebook. You can also follow my ramblings on Twitter!
We hope you enjoy shopping for your stained glass and fusing supplies at Creative Glass Guild, remember, we are here to help, call us on 0117 95 888 20 or pop in and say Hi. We are open 7 days a week.